If there's one thing i'm truly grateful for, it's having the friends I have. Here's another feeling filled post just for you readers ! I can't think of many ways to write this post and there are so many things I could say, but this is what I came up with. *queue soppy music* Granted, some friends stick around and others may be out of sight but that doesn't change anything. Just because we don't see or talk to each other as much it doesn't change the beautiful memories and the amazingly fun moments we all shared together.
We are so lucky to have photography and to have practically given to us. Photos capture these special moments and even though they can't replay them, no matter how much you which you could relive them, they remain memorable instants captured with a simple click of the camera. I'd like to share with you some of the special moments we shared as ourdysfunctional- yet truly awesome "group" of friends. Enjoy x
Summer & Myself
Holly & Rosie & Summer & Flora & Amanda
Holly & Myself
Holly, Rosie, Elijah, Summer, Naomie, Jake, Flora, John, Jordan