Sunday, 17 August 2014

Festival Fun

Long time no post ! Well, a lot has happened since my last blog post and I've been super busy - things are rarely this busy for me :P
Last weekend, a really amazing event took place : The Mad Hatters Music Festival.
I don't think i've mentioned this before but I love music and I love performing. I've been playing guitar, singing & writing my own songs since I was 12. It's my first love and kind of ties in with my love for writing. 
The Festival took place not far from where I live and I was given the chance to showcase my music. I did an acoustic set on both days and I absolutely loved it. Performing feels amazing and the adrenaline rush is insane, I love it.
My lovely friends - Summer & Holly - took some really nice pictures of me on stage so I thought i'd share them with you :) 
On a slightly soppier note, i'd like the thank everyone who came to see me, it really made me feel so happy. Kudos to my friends for showing up and supporting me I'd also like to say a very special thank you to my wonderful boyfriend who accompanied me on stage both days, thank you for being so patient with me.
Hope you enjoy the pictures !
Love, Kate xx

 Rehearsals !

Polaroid picture taken by Eloïse !


  1. You were amazing! I cant wait to see you perform again. Lots of love <3
    Holly x

  2. haha yeyyy feel PROUD to have my polaroid featured. I hadn't worked out at that point how to make the exposure better sadly. Will have to see you perform again to get another better one!!

    Eloïse xx

  3. AHH this is so cool ;3; It looks like so much fun~ Great post *u*
    ~Kiyomi xx

  4. Kate! I nomiated you for the Liebster Award :) it's on my blog ^^ get another post up soon!
    Love, holly xxx
